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Time Played

3h 0m

Days in Journal

2 days

Last played

February 15, 2024

First played

February 13, 2024

Platforms Played


it's fine, it's kinda on the same level as super star for me, it would seem the SNES wasn't great for kirby games in my opinion... a step back from kirby's adventure for sure.

the levels weren't as fun, the overall pacing of the game was much, much slower. and i feel like unless you really epxlored every nook and cranny to try and help out all the little dudes of each level, there isn't much point? idk, it just felt like there was no incentive to me. the little animal buddy dudes changing up your abilities was super cool however, i liked that aspect a lot.

maybe if the game's level were better this would've been more fun to play through but i felt done with the game after the 2nd world personally.

music and visuals were as fun and bouncy as always for a kirby entry. the visuals were especially unique for a SNES title, sorta reminiscent of yoshi's island.

overall not a terrible package, just not terribly fun to me. would recommend to more hardcore kirby fans rather than... well, me. someone who isn't particularly into kirby.