this game manages to do so many things wrong that it will always be one of the most impressive games of all time in my heart (+0.5 star because the soundtrack fucks)

Honestly pretty underrated as far as Sonic games go. Many fights in the story are absurdly difficult unless cheesed but the combat is pretty alright given the limits of the GBA, plus I love pretty much everything about Emerl from his character to his moveset (I can't think of many fighters with this level of customization).

Trans person that loves New Vegas jokes aside, this is one of the most engaging games I have ever played. Hours can be spent roaming the vast wasteland and immersing yourself in the various characters and quests that this game has to offer. The SPECIAL mechanics, perks/traits, and various weapon types offers essentially infinite replayability with the only limit being the very jank character creation system /hj. I like to include modding capabilities as part of my enjoyment, and the various fanmade bug fixes and other tweaks bring out the absolute best this game has to offer, resulting in an unforgettable experience.

This game pisses me off in many ways but at its core is an extremely fun platformer with one of the best level editors ever created. I've sunk thousands of hours into this game and that number only increases as the most recent update adds so much new content that it's hard to run out of things to do.


another quirky earthbound-inspired rpg about depression 🙄

The emotional impact this game had on me by the time I reached the end cannot be understated. Extremely engaging story that had me on the edge of my seat in some parts, with a combat mechanic that I find pretty creative (there is absolutely something to be said about how one of the biggest gimmicks of the gameplay is defeating enemies by exploiting their emotions). Awesome soundtrack too.

My literal only complaint with this game is the very jank trick detection (every time I want to do a kickflip I do a varial and every time I want to do a varial I do a kickflip make it stop AAAAAAAAAA) but otherwise this is game is beyond exhilarating and it perfectly blends realism and flashiness to appeal to both those looking for an authentic experience and those who just wanna hit impossible lines

the best hat trading simulator i've played

SUPERHOT is the most innovative shooter I've played in years!