8 Reviews liked by leocarvalho

This is the game I have played the most in my entire life. Prontera theme feels like home. I made so many friends through my journeys, some of them I still talk to to this day. An unique experience product of its time.

A good action game that I have some gripes with (the camera can be finicky and a few of the enemies don't react as viscerally to damage as I'd like), but honestly the Boo-Haunted-House design of the environment and enemies elevates this quite a bit. Massively appreciate that Dante is just going around acquiring these priceless, ancient artifacts that have been lost to time and then just uses them to open doors. In every mission you'll retrieve like "The Stone of Infinite Wisdom" and then put it in a hole to make a spooky statue slide out of the way and I think that's excellent.

If you are getting into a geopolitics degree, this is the game for you. You WILL interact with people across the world. You will NEED to make peace with both sides you WILL need to keep the world of DOTA 2 together. You WILL be in a meeting with braindead neets, neonazis, militia, and so on for atleast ONE HOUR. As a TECHIES main I also make us all stay in the game FOR ANOTHER HOUR. YOU CHOOSE THE PATH: WILL YOU BECOME CLOSER WITH THOSE AROUND YOU? OR WILL YOU DESTROY ALL IN YOUR PATH?

A series whose enduring charm lay in its relentless juvenilia decides to do what 2010’s design trends considered “growing up.”

About as convincing as three kids stacked in a trench coat.

checked out the ign walkthrough to see how far through this chore i was and almost started crying when i saw the video linked for "how to find the infinity gauntlet easter egg" guys i can't do it

this is literally stale white bread in video game form like i don't get it!! what do we all like so much about this?? i see the upgrade menu and the quest log and all the useless extra skills and my eyes glaze over instantly. i literally have not felt less of a drive to keep playing something since i trudged through bioshock infinite. this thing is 20 hours long apparently and even with my relatively generous amount of free time i absolutely cannot imagine getting through all of that

also the combat is barely functional and contextually boring as shit, i've been spoiled by other games that make an effort to characterise their enemies bc seriously - what is there to be engaged by while i'm fighting generic troll #8 or a fucking stone golem. at the worst of times there's absolutely nothing here

i'm gonna go retreat back to my cave. fallout 2 here we come babeyyyyy!!!



My boyfriend and I played this game together expecting a silly little game where you play as a cat, and get to do cat things. 15 minutes later we were thrust into a post-apocalyptic hellscape and forced to run away from headcrabs while fulfilling monotonous fetch quests. Eventually we got a "gun" and were introduced to the worst combat system in the world. Our playthrough ended when a robot spent a half hour twisting a hatch open, which bluescreened his computer.

Incredibly dull with some pretty bad and unresponsive controls. First thing the game does is show you the store