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April 6, 2012

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Out of every game I've played, I think this is the one that had the most profound impact on me. Xenoblade Chronicles holds a level of fantasy, writing, and grandeur that is unparalleled by most and I still can't believe this was all held on a Wii game. Its characters, world, and story have stuck with me for over a decade, and this game is an experience I wish I could have for the first time again and again.

Xenoblade is the game that introduced me to the Xeno meta-series and, while thought by Nintendo to not have been interesting enough to sell in North America, managed to spark an entire series of its own that bridged Xenoblade's grandeur with Xenosaga and Xenogears' magnificence.

I can't shake the feeling that every person involved in Xenoblade was a creative genius in some fashion, and I've always felt honored to have been shared the culmination of their works. Yasuyuki Honne is an incredibly underrepresented man whose level of creativity and imagination is unseen anywhere else in and out of the industry. The concepts and designs of the Bionis and Mechonis are incredulous and the myriad of unfathomable and fantastical environments like the floating reefs of Eryth or factory-city of Agniratha will always strike awe in me. It's an understatement to say that Honne has inspired me through the years and encouraged me to think more out of the box.

While not exactly as strong in writing as some of his previous works, Tetsuya Takahashi once again knocks it out of the park. Any disappointments found in the plot points being so far removed from his usual work are dispelled in later entries in the series, and what is left in Xenoblade is nothing short of a masterpiece. I can't say anything about the incredible soundtrack that hasn't already been discussed to death, but I can say that every composer put their entire heart and soul into every track (well, maybe not the Bionis' Interior and Ether Mines 😭). And lastly, each of the artists who contributed to the characters created such iconic, unique, and diverse designs.

I'll be honest, this game doesn't exactly gain high marks for its gameplay. Especially by today's standards, the exploration can seem empty and the combat often feels like you're waiting more than you're playing. The quests in particular suck hot ass, most of them are just fetch quests or "go here and talk to an NPC" quests. And yet, I still enjoy every moment I'm playing this game. Maybe it's the immersive atmosphere or the lively chatter between party members or how alive the world and its inhabitants feel, but I just can't put this game down whenever I'm playing.

The journey Xenoblade takes you on is one that leaps across its faults in strides. It's an experience I think that everyone should try at least once, and one that will stick with me forever. Thank you, Monolith Soft. 💕