2 reviews liked by lilislulus

CWs for Butterfly Soup 2 as provided by Brianna Lei: homophobia, anti-Black racism, anti-Asian racism, Islamophobia, abusive parents, sex mention/suggestive content, China/Taiwan relations, self-hating thoughts

​A behemoth follow-up to an already high bar, Butterfly Soup 2 wrings revisited and entirely new gay 2nd gen Asian experiences through slice of life vignettes for an absolute home-run. There's a lot more space to work with here given an already assembled cast supported by a very impressive sense of editing and selection, letting the game take off sprinting. This sequel is able to deliver more breakneck comedy alongside some real rough stuff from the wellspring of American 2nd gen teenager bullshit to make something beautiful, heartrending, and infinitely expansive. Each episode quickly lands its punches before it pulls away, leaving a power wake​​​​ leading either to warm and delicate narrative payoff or reflection on real-life dilemmas of ethnicity and culture with no real solutions. Butterfly Soup 2 is an intoxicating and humbling reflection on not knowing a damn thing when you're young other than that you're also not gonna know a damn thing later which all YA should strive for.

Even with best intentions we can't change the world alone. But over a dozen platforming dungeons we can damn well try.

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