Very nice game! Gameplay isn't too hard nor too boring. Everyone loves kitties.


Gorgeous art! It taught me that I don't like rougelikes which was a valuable experience.

This game is a classic! Gameplay is super solid and well designed, HD (mod) textures look great. Played it with a wired Gamecube controller as God intended, but the worst part is that reaction commands are random and don't match so it's hard to push the correct button. And, unfortunately, I encountered a bug which crashes the game and I cannot advance further.

First half was a solid little puzzle story with likable characters and a charming anime art style. The puzzles aren't particularly hard but they are fun enough to work through. I enjoyed how the mystery slowly unfolded and the thematic parelells with the two main characters.

Second half of the game was not very good, there were hardly any puzzles and you just run from point A to point B to talk to people. I don't even mind visual novels, but I signed up for a mystery with puzzles to solve. I personally thought the story in the second part wasn't as tightly woven as the first part either. Overall, half satisfying and half disappointing game.