i am SO normal about this game. it's kind of annoying to figure out but ugghhh it altered my brain chemistry nonetheless.

all time favourite game baybee!! i have completed this and undead nightmare like 10 times. i love rdr1 sosososo much

i sat and i completed this the day i got it and i havent felt normal since. i literally played this game for like 12 hours straight with no breaks. im still not over it, months later.

this opinion is going to get me hanged but i REALLY dislike deltarune. it takes all that made undertale interesting and makes it tiresome and i wish it didnt.

RDR2 MY BELOVED i will NEVER not keep coming back to replay this. it's literally my comfort game. rdr2 feels like home to me at this point. the soundtrack, the scenery, the minigames, the characters,,,, it's all so. idk. cannot explain my love for this game.

this game Is brilliant, it's just not "rereleased on 3 generations of console" levels of brilliant.

genuinely one of the best games ever made. it's so simple and cozy and nostalgic <33

this game makes me so nostalgic and sad and it makes me feel so many emotions and i hate it (in a love way) for it. also i want to cuddle toriel and never let go