This game is... just complicated. It's edgy, it's vulgar, and pretty sexist. I don't think the game itself is racist, but man 3 white supremacist endings, huh? I think that goes to show the problem with this game. It hammers it's edginess too hard to the point where it's not shocking or funny. It's just gross and hamfisted and it NEVER stops. I held on to this game thinking that the final "video" in the phone menu would be something genuine and sincere and have a thought out message... It wasn't. "We will never understand each other"....
Ok man. I think anyone raving reviews for this game is probably bigoted in some way.

Reviewed on Oct 27, 2023


"I think anyone raving reviews for this game is probably bigoted in some way." wow would you look at that backloggd reviewer says that consuming transgressive media makes you a bad person. why am i even surprised

5 months ago

it's literally making fun of all the things you're talking about - not glorifying them