i quite liked this. i'd love more games in this vein; really enjoyed the gameplay and dark humour. strangely bittersweet. i really liked the "hidden choice" at the end.

don't mind me, just playing a halloween game in june. i did enjoy this a lot, although i did get stuck once. this game has a bit of a case of moon logic (also known as adventure game logic), so just use everything on everything if you ever get stuck and try and remember things you've been told by the characters. half a star off for unintuitive controls

This review was originally going to go on Steam (hence some wording that I'm too lazy to change), but due to the fact I don't own it and played it through library share, I was unable to post it there. So it goes here. Forgive the text wall.

Ah, man. I wish I could recommend this because there are aspects of this game I do like, but overall I found it obtuse and unpleasant to play. I breezed through the first half of the game and then there's a difficulty spike in the second half so extreme I found myself spending upwards of 30 minutes on each battle and quite frequently having to restart just because RNG fucked me. I believe my issues were build-related, but that's still not good game design, in my opinion, especially since the game's skill system is ... not easy to understand. To be completely transparent, I have not played the original Shadowrun TTRPG; maybe it would be easier to grasp if I had?

One thing I found infuriating is that unlike other isometric RPGs with turn-based systems that I've played, in this game, if your player character goes down, you immediately fail the mission. Considering that whoever gets targeted and how much damage they receive seems to be completely random, this aspect of the game is utterly agonising to deal with. I found myself having to micromanage my PC and making sure he had enough health kits to not take lethal amounts of damage just so I could maybe get through another physically painful fight ten times more difficult than anything from the first act and he still went down quite frequently.

Again, for the record, I have seen people online have wildly different experiences with this wherein they continued to have zero difficulty upon the difficulty spike, but like ... If you get several hours into a game and then the difficulty suddenly and without warning shoots up and you're spending significant amounts of time pulling your hair out over it, that sucks, in my opinion. It's been long enough that I can't remember if this game has a respec, so if it does, my bad. I believe I was also playing on normal/medium difficulty and cannot recall if it was possible to lower it.

Either way, I don't think "your build isn't very good" should completely fuck over an entire playthrough of a game, especially since there's ALWAYS the potential that someone is brand new to the genre. I am not and I struggled.

The story is fine and I really wanted to finish this game because I did find myself engaged, but every time I think about going back to this, I feel my soul withering. If you do decide to get this game, make sure your PC has a metric shit ton of health, because fights will be an absolute slog otherwise.

kind of hard to control sometimes but overall a cute, fun game. played the 2-player update with my boyfriend.

oh my god i love this game. it's so like, shockingly sweet and genuine. please bugsnax

unintuitive, bad puzzles that are impossible without the game telling you the solution, playing it made me sick and gave me a headache, and while trying to not be racist it's still racist. also, was 35gb(?!) and did not run especially well.

cute and pleasant. it did drag a bit towards the end, but maybe i was just tired since i played it late at night. genuinely entertaining humour

deeply unpleasant experience. would have DNF'd but was stubborn

a very competent little horror game. great atmosphere and visuals, impeccable sound design. knew what to tell you and what not to. one star off for some motion sickness (uncommon for me), some sections that were unintuitive, and being a bit obtuse. it was hard for me to know what to do at times, but walkthroughs got me through.

overall i would definitely recommend it for a fun evening. i really did like it. 8/10 seems fair to me.