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it's fine i guess but after a certain point it gets really moon logic-y and not in a fun way. the writing also really doesn't respect nuri at all to the point where she doesn't even get to talk at the end lmao

pretty neat, good atmosphere, but i think it over-explains itself in some areas and under-explains in others. also at a certain point it started making me motion sick, but i think that's my own problem. worth a play, i think

shows its age but it's still fun so whatever

jesus this game is a nightmare. the environments are lovely but everything else feels at least a decade old, including the character models and gameplay. the combat is okay but clunky, and the UI looks like a default asset. the voice acting isn't anything to write home about either and to be honest the worldbuilding is a bit lazy and boring. the writing is incredibly shallow as well.

besides that, and i'm sure this is what you're reading this review for, this game is politically fucking atrocious. the core philosophy seems to be "french colonialism was cool and right", which is alarming but not all that shocking. if you want an essay on why colonialism is, in fact, horrifying and wrong, this is not where you will find one - do some googling.

i'm really not sure why we're allowing games like this to become popular when there's dozens of amazing indie games that don't allow you to side with and aggressively support racist imperialists who want to convert everyone to Fantasy Christianity and think that the indigenous peoples of the island they're colonising are disgusting savages.

at least 80% of this game is playing politics, and that's a low estimate. your player character is basically The Prince Of Colonialism. it's the game's entire premise. if you're really that curious about it, do yourself a favour and find a way to play this without paying real money for it.

unfortunately, for me, this ... felt pretty shallow. another reviewer (eccol here on backloggd) put it perfectly: this game is clinical. it's very removed from the issue at hand, and its portrayal of abuse reads like a text book. i didn't find the experience of playing this satisfying or cathartic or even really that enjoyable. the experience is too linear and sort of obtuse, and the writing degrades pretty rapidly from the start to when it's being "revealed" to you that ben is abusive. i wish i had a better review for this, but i don't.

highly enjoyable, but one of those games i can't imagine playing without friends. significantly less fun without other people. holds up well.


great writing and voice acting, found it slightly boring as far as gameplay goes though and would have appreciated a little bit more activity, even if it was just walking around

i've technically never completed the main plot of this game but we all know that's not why people play skyrim. people play skyrim because there's some sort of timeless enjoyment to be had in it and modding the absolute shit out of it until it breaks.

PLEASE play this game, it was clearly crafted incredibly lovingly with an amazing amount of detail put into its environments. the storytelling in this game is genuinely amazing.

feels a bit too floaty and unresponsive (on PC at least) but is a nice little game. good for a little bit of time wasting

fine little game, not sure what rating i'd give it though

i just kind of routinely come back to this game because it's fun and relaxing and something about it draws me in