Been playing this game since year one and the game is frankly unrecognizable from what it was when I first started playing, and in a very good way. This game is a work of art to me, and words cannot properly express how much I love it and how much joy it has given me over the past couple years. The game continues to grow and change for the better, and I'm excited to be moving into year three with my clan and the rest of this amazing community.

i just kind of routinely come back to this game because it's fun and relaxing and something about it draws me in

fun, incredibly engaging, beautiful, and great characters. does start to fall apart a bit narratively in later acts, but overall a good experience.

the gameplay is a bit lacklustre but this is less of an adventure game and more of a visual novel so i forgive it that. beautifully written to the point i cried twice in my first playthrough. this game feels very human; it has an incredible amount of heart in it.

i'm marking this as Completed because it more or less is (as i've completed a playthrough of it) although i don't necessarily consider it to be such.

a decent enough experience. i don't have any major complaints, although i will say it stopped really being scary after a certain point. the little symbols and pneumatic tube messages were my favourite part of the game, which isn't an insult.

decently fun, although admittedly a bit barebones for an adventure game. feels like they got a bit confused about what kind of game they wanted to make.

fine little game, not sure what rating i'd give it though

feels a bit too floaty and unresponsive (on PC at least) but is a nice little game. good for a little bit of time wasting