This game, is one of the best turn based RPGs I have ever played. The story was prefect and the gameplay was just fantastic, I highly recommend it

I have only played the first game in the series but since it is my favoirte anime of all time, it was a pretty good game, with just good everything

This is my favoirte KH game of all time, while yes not having the most amazing combat BUT for a DS game it was pretty fun and gave me alot to do in my college.

Finally got to this title and for a rhythm game it was a pretty good one, with fun music and enjoyable, and I can't wait for the next arc in Kingdom Hearts

This is an amazing ending to a story that has been going on for nearly 20 years at the point of it coming out, and the DLC for it only adds to the enjoyment and post game thingys to do

This is also a really good collection... BUT, the Union X recap doesn't cover the full story of Union X so you would still be confused going on into the story

This is a REALLY good collection filled with fanatic games with alot of replay value and enjoyment, I would rate this 5/5 starts but... Chain of memoires

I had to stop playing because of the remake coming out but from what I had played it seemed to be a fun time

I think this game should of had more runtime, as I think a 10-15 hour story mode isn't enough for this games story to sit well, and it didn't have enough time to develop some of the characters.

Making some of the cooler scenes in the game not hit as hard as they should of.

So far I have 17 hours in the game and from what I have played it is a fun time, with fun music, and fun characters. I can't wait to see the plot develop more as I play

this is what I call a sonic game, with the story and characters at their peak in my opinion, and the introduction to the fan favoirte Shadow. This right here... is a really good sonic game

while and alot shorter compared to Portal 2, it was still a fun time with good writing and good puzzles.

This was and still is one of if not my favoirte game of all time, with the puzzles, the voice acting, the story, and just everything around this game. I will never stop playing it and loving it