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Umurangi Generations has a lot going for it in terms of indie cred and uniqueness from both a gameplay and art style perspective. There is so much here that speaks it's own mind while at the same time delivering it's own story telling into the mix. The pictures you take don't just tell a story, but the way each level is framed and explored does too. It really is a shame that such a unique and clever game just doesn't gel well with me because it's controls.

The game asks two things of you, take pictures of certain objectives, and reach a certain plateau to go to the next level. Usually, just doing the main objectives will get you there, but sometimes you need to take some extra pictures to reach a certain money limit. As well, a lot of these objectives can possibly only be done in one way or a bunch of different ways pending on your equipment. Often you have to go around exploring the level to find the right angle or be at the right spot to get a particular shot with your camera.

Sadly, when you add a lot of these precision mechanics to a game that gives you no sense of taking the right picture is more of a cause for frustration than a lax one. Equally, the game doesn't have the best hint system to figure out what exactly you have to do to take a picture of certain objectives. Some of these pictures require angle work, while others are "take picture of X", but unless you know what X is, it doesn't help when trying to find it. This is especially noticeable when you start going for completion, and each level demands you get all objectives within 10 minutes as well as some additional ones. This often caused far more panic and stress than what the game was going for, and to say I needed a guide to playthrough this obtuse mess is almost a factual statement rather than a sign of defeat.

I would still say Umurangi Generations is something worth playing despite it's flaws because of how short it is along with it's clear sense of identity. Very few games really know what they're about, and despite some clear flaws that make the game a chore to get through, it's at least worth it in the end.