this game is the most wonderous, the most wow, the best in the world.

do you own a heart? woudl you like it ripped from your very being and shoved into a hole full of worms and the worms have so much agony they will put into your heart but also there is so much hoep and joy and love and wow in the worms and the worms are feeding your heart all of these things? good, omori is the game for you :)

kel is the bestest in the wworld

yakuza 4 is genuinely a delight. it is so so self aware of the series it's in, so camp and so understanding of the tropes of yakuza and executes all of it's perfect silliness so well.

the main 4 characters have a whole range of quality, but some treasures among them that i can't wait to see in the future games, i absolutely adore the additions with their personalities! in terms of antagonists, i think y3 and y4 has had some pretty weak ones, but the ideas presented in 4 are interesting :D

the ost for this game is incredible and the ending was so insanely hype, i enjoyed it immensly :3 great yakuzas

idk man it's a game

i think this game had a lot of ideas but didn't really know what to do with them i guess - like the stuff they're saying is cool and interesting and honestlyh fucking hilarious, but do i really care at the end of the day? not really. i don't care much about the characters, i don't care much about the story. i just find it hard to care. and i care too much most of the itme. so that kinda sums it up.

it was fun tho ig - i sacrficied the tendons in my thumb to play this, so i guess that's a ringing endorsment

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this game have many feelings i feel towards it. i believe kiryu is done the best in this game so far out of the series, i felt many emotions towards him and i think he's going through a lot and he does really cool good things in this game good job kriyu1!!!

there is unfortunately a however.

imagine you're using a slow cooker but then this big man named ryuji comes along every few minutes and KJUST FUCKING WACKS UP THE HEAT HOLY SHIT WE'RE COOKING SO FAST OH MY GFUCKING GOD JESSU but actually he walked away and forgot about it and the heat is no longer on??? we've stopped cooking?? uhm. why is there not heat. there is no cooking??? the pacing ?? it's gone, good bye. now we're doingn random thhings that don't really do much for the game????? interesting.

i believe mayhaps tone indicators were needed in this game. because the msuic. i t didnot. i t did not indicate. there were some choices. i won't say they were awful, but laughing at the end cutscenes because everything is so insane that it verges into silliness...... prehaps not the bestest move. perhaps.

however. i must add another however.

there was a castle. inside of a castle. and inside that castle. there was: kawara. ryuji. haruka. sayama. sengoku that little bitch. and there was also two fucking tigers.

that was kinda peak kino gas yeeaheayehaeyeahyeaheyhaeyaheayh

anyway cool game, can't wait for more :)

oh one final thing. one final thought. ryuji goda the man that you are holy fuck what the fuck holy sdhit have u ever been unable to beat a boss fihgt because what the fuck ais going on its just a lot for my eyes to witness because wowowowoowowowowoowowowow

garrus and i danced and that is literally all that i needed for it to be 5*

I know it has many issues but the bond between the boys is so strong that it is holding the entire game together

it's not a game but it is basically among us the movie