10 reviews liked by luckylym

“Don’t be afraid John.” racks shotgun

i cant escape this game. it haunts and lurks my walls at night, watching every move i make, taking all my time away, the soul it's sucked out of my teenage self, there is no escape from this game. for i will no longer mourn the death to which it will succumb in years, give warning to the world that which it has fled from this vile world with worms to dwell; nay, if you read this line, remember not the hand that typed it; for i had loved you so. but let the love even with my life decay, lest the wise world should look into your lore, and mock you after you are gone.

now that thats all said and done, zhongli phys dps meta btw, i will not take any yappers.

I can only be in debt to a rodent for so long

Reasonably entertaining and compulsive. Could have really owned if homosexuality were permitted

pinkpanthress and ghandi broke up 😔

the only thing missing from this game is homosexuality

nintendo pls bring this to the switch i would preorder it so quickly

for someone with ADHD it feels almost unpleasant to play without mods to slow down the pace. Time moves distinctively fast for this game's genre