fucks so bad cause u can golf as cunty punk gothic bisexual anime boy

mysmes to me will be a 2.5 to a 5 depending on the day but it will still be one of my favourite games ever. the fact that i can still feel things for these characters just like i did almost 10 years ago now is crazy and something not a lot of other games can accomplish. if it's not for you then that's fine lol

when are mfs gonna realize complexity doesnt make a character better automatically you could say akechi has 400 layers of symbolism and i wouldnt give a shit cuz i thought bebe from persona 3 was funnier and had a bigger impact on me

el minijuego donde batías un cola cao y te hacías un pan con tomate y jamón era my favorito y también es peak españa LOL
por alguna razón me cagaba el de la cueva tho

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dont ever talk to me about sakura's route i will cry

i love u chloe and mari i thought i might just give it a try because it was short but i ended up getting a little emotional. sometimes things feel in your heart and when something touches me like this i really mean it i don't care to think too hard because it doesn't matter. i saw myself reflected in this game in it's earnest self. made me think of me and past friendships and feelings that shaped me. but i don't have to leave that silly free self behind... uhhh oh god that was so gay

on a random tuesday in 2020 i had tried so hard to redownload a working version of this game in order to relive my 2016 romance with the gayest looking bitch in this game. i miss being a dumb fucking kid in which choosing which twink to get with in these copy paste ass mobile otomes was the biggest of my worries. i can't even begin to understand why in god's green earth i chose hotaka anyway. now that i'm looking at him he's butt ugly as hell

cutest and tightest friend group ever. i love them too much. genuinely goated character writing bits and just a whole load of fun!! mari my beloved