4 reviews liked by luispalmerg

This is the most heartbreaking and visceral story I've ever experienced. Unfortunately, the stellar stealth-survival gameplay flow loses most of its steam by the game's tail end, but this has one of the most engaging, gripping tragedies to ever unfold. A near-masterpiece

Este juego me ha demostrado que tiene más madurez que el 99% de internet tanto de los que los odian como lo alaban.

Digo esto porque ni la violencia ni el sexo es lo más importante del juego ni un signo realmente de madurez y bueno los que se quedan que es una historia de venganza esta mal es una simplificación muy basta de la historia.

Lo más importante para mi es la relación de Joel y Ellie (vaya como el primero que sorpresa!) y como una conversación con un padre y su hija es lo más importante.

When I find out that this game, has a lot of inspiration of The Corn Brothers films I can feel a lot more the tension in the fight and stealth sequence. It was my first game that came with my PS3 and I remember trying to change in the place where I buy it for another game, and the worker there told me that it was a good game and I will like it. I'm so glad that I listen to that worker, Thank you Lucas. (You probably was just trying to sell me the PS3 though but thank you)

One of the greatest narratives in gaming. Amazing gameplay, graphics, voice acting, pacing, etc etc etc. It's stellar. I don't even care that they keep releasing it. I want it more. Give me an iPhone version. Who cares. I need more Joel and Ellie.