best pokémon game ever, and all of the 3d pokémon games suck balls so that's saying something

Philips CD-i is a incredible gaming platform and after this experience, I found myself closer to god. I would like to thank the creator of this masterpiece, it has done nothing but bring joy into my life. I will die on this hill #wandofgamelonisawesomeandifyoudisagreeillfuckingfindyouimnotkidding

atmospheric and calm, feels comfortingly terrifying.

I used to play this game on my Wii when I was around 7 years old, playing it again this year was nice. It lacks a lot of character on the Nintendo switch that the Wii preserved, and some areas constructed of low-poly snow feel eerily lonely. My little brother loves it just as much as I used to.

first splatoon game I've ever played, it's super cute and easy to learn, love it

definitely better than some pokémon games and probably worse than others. I enjoyed it though.

an enjoyable game, very short and easy to play. you can tell the devs really enjoyed creating it.

super fun! I've played it with a few friends and alone, it manages to have enough content to keep both interesting.

I played it for 190 hours over quarantine, and realised that I don't really like it. the old animal crossing games were insulting and fun, this one is just meh.