1 review liked by lumipate

I won't ever make the mistake of playing any gatcha more than its main story again, so this review only talks about exactly that. And... I kinda liked it? Since the game is mostly two parts - visual novel and combat - I'll structure this review this way.

So, the story! The script's translation is beautifully bad, which gives the international cast quite a lot of charme (honestly I buy that none of these ppl know "correct" grammar). This translation also makes the script more mysterious than its "original" version probably is. And there's still quite a lot of good writing - the voiced segments with the really deep voice especially are a real treat most of the time. Thewriting also tends to delve into delightfully weird or unconventional ideas (the final chapter i.e. is a weird bureaucracy thriller), which I really like! So yea, story's good & weird & a little unconventional & really charming in its "bad" translation.

The combat on the other hand? It's the one link the story mode has to the awful gatcha and progression mechanics that and it's exactly that link making the experience much worse. While the actual combat mechanics are actually quite cute & fun, the awful grind for the resources necessary to level up your characters is really tedious & boring. Also, gatcha is gambling, which is not only exploitative but also a very cheap gameplay mechanic. So yea.

The bottom line: It's a great and charming story with an okay combat system made (a lot) worse by all the things that make it a gatcha. Which, to be honest, was the review I could've already written before playing the game.

1 list liked by lumipate