8 reviews liked by luneth

Right away you can tell this is a game made with love for Visual Novels and Horror. From the same devs as Trials of Mana and the Visual Artist of The World Ends with You, this game has a polish unseen like others in the Visual Novel genre.

I can't give away plot spoilers, as this is very much like Doki Doki Literature Club in that you have to -- GO INTO THE GAME AS BLIND AS POSSIBLE --.

With that, happy ressurrecting!

P.S. The game works like a dream on Steam Deck!

And here's where I'd put my AI: The Somnium Files - Nirvana Initiative - Collector's Edition... IF I HAD ONE

Overall: A great game, but I hold preference to the first one.

The biggest positive of Nirvana Initiative is that its Somniums are far superior to AI 1's. They are structured more logically, with actual puzzles to solve, instead of simply being the trial-and-error guessing games of AI 1. Because of this they end up being much more distinct and memorable. In addition, I think this game has two stellar protagonists in Ryuki and Mizuki, but because of the game's structure I found myself missing Ryuki and Tama's dynamic as they took a back seat to Mizuki and Aiba's side of the story. I think I would have preferred if the narrative weaved between their stories, but I don't know if that would have worked out in the end.

My biggest issue with AINI is that I think its narrative gets too grand in scope. Whereas AI 1 tells a bizarre but more-or-less grounded murder mystery, AINI takes its stakes to the moon and back, with grand reveals and narrative twists, while leaving smaller plot threads behind in the dust. It's an issue I share with Virtue's Last Reward, the second game in the Zero Escape trilogy. However, I think AINI at least manages to mostly stick the landing and does not completely lose me, as opposed to VLR which I was disappointed with by its conclusion. To that end, Nirvana Initiative only feels like a slight step down from AI 1, compared to VLR falling far behind 999.

I am eager to see what Uchikoshi cooks up next, should he decide to make this series a trilogy. I only hope I am not comparing AI 3 to Zero Time Dilemma in the future. (also they should like make a musou or fighting game spin off they could totally make it work)



If you gave a "typical RPGmaker games" a chance you'll enjoy the hell out of this. Going blind is the best way

no business being so good for a free game
if Gin dies, i will kill myself

if enstars was toliet paper i'd rather wipe my ass with sandpaper

we as a society need to stop slandering mammon

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