24 Reviews liked by luxandfero

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I wasn't a fan of the fact the game punished you for exploring, but that was also thrilling to do at the same time. I liked the fact consequences were heavy and deep set, loved the visual graphics, voice acting, and questline although the ending didn't quite make too much sense to me nor was it the build up I was waiting for.

It's a game you'll either love or hate. It has some serious gameplay issues and gets very repetitive and boring very quickly. Also, the game becomes unfairly difficult if you refuse to drink blood. Even when given the choice, the game constantly pushes you to be evil and feed on people. Traveling from one place to another is also tiring. Also, the fact that we have to keep everyone alive in the towns gets annoying after a while. There aren't enough games about vampires, so if you like the concept, Vampyr is worth a chance, but even if you don't play it, you won't lose much. It could have been a good game and it definitely has potential but they didn't work hard enough.

this game's really cool and fun but also like very misogynist in regards to how it handles women. i will probably always prefer dishonored 1 to 2 but i'm so glad 2 stopped being like "turning a woman into a sex slave is a good thing actually"

a bealtiful goth dress that's filled with annoying plastic spikes that poke and scratch you everytime you wear it.

thats how i'd sum up this game, its bealtiful, clever, gritty and witty at the same time.
the voice acting is amazing and the art direction is the star of the show here.
in order to enjoy it you must go through a slog of a clunky combat that is vert selective of when you are dealing damage to a enemy and when your weapons are ineffective because youre slighly under them, or next to them, or above them. actually i don't know the criteria, sometimes you just don't do damage at all but oh they will give you damage don't worry about that.
trollish levels that i think mcgee borrowed from the time he was a doom level designer, and he can go eat a onion for all i care with that shit, be mindful of silly traps and shoving a room full of enemies to pad gameplay.
whose idea was it to make underwater sections with mandatory combat in a game where hitting the enemy requires god to be on your side and some sprinkle of luck ???
don't forget to save, seriously don't.
to sum it up this is a bealtiful game that requires you to feel PAIN in order to play, even getting this game is some jank, you gotta order a disc from someone else, buy the madness return and edit the config files to make it playable through the exe of madness return, oh but you also need to download the files as well. do i hate it for all it has done ? no, its charm and style makes up for it, but beware of this mistress stupid personallity

I bought this game way after its hayday exclusively to play Phoenix Wright. I got my ass whooped to the normal difficulty CPU. Worth it.
Honestly aside from the actual gameplay, Mahvel 3 is just a really cool piece of media with all the crossover stuff. I love the prefight dialogue and all the unique banter that gives. I'd sit down with popcorn and watch a compilation of all the character intro stuff by itself and I'd be thoroughly entertained the whole time. Also, if you haven't yet, give a watch to the promotional videos they made for this game. Dante vs Deadpool is still the rawest piece of fighting game media I've had the pleasure of watching.
Anyways DIE! DIE! Here I am. DIE! Pathetic. DIE! DIE! I NEED MORE POWER! DIE! Here I am. DIE!

This isn't my favorite fighting game, I don't even know if I'd put it in my top 10. But there's something eternally cool about UMVC3. It has the perfect art style and visual flair for a fighting game about comic book characters. It has probably the best roster of any Capcom versus title AND any Marvel game. It plays exactly as a crazy superhero crossover game should. It's just a game you always like to have around. Even if it's not your favorite, you gotta appreciate UMVC3 for hitting every point just right.

Right down the middle I was like "Bruh I don't care about slice of life anymore just get to the mystery"
Highly regretted that

Really ambitious horror story with lots of moving parts and things to balance. Really sympathetic and endearing characters in the first half as they struggle with the world around them.

Didn't super love the second batch of characters you play as, from the overbearing mom friend who gets mad that her crush is nice to her neighbor, to the cop, to the racist. Makes it a much harder sell, especially when those bits are so much longer as all the choices and consequences start to pile up. Nonetheless, I enjoyed dropping a lot of hours into it.

I finished this game in just under 18 hours over 4 days, and I'm still not sure why.

I have had what could be called a very strange week with The Letter. After finishing the excellent AI: The Somnium Files, I was searching around for another visual novel with English voice acting. The Letter appeared over and over in my searches as one of the better ones, and so I decided to give it a roll.

The Letter is intended to be campy horror, which I think it does well, but it also strains itself relying on just one monster, a bloodthirsty ghost girl, for 18 straight hours. I saw so much of her that I stopped getting frightened about 3 hours in. Also, this visual novel is so, so much longer than it needs to be. After a while, I realized that all of the introspection text between dialogue was kind of useless. It's basically just people internally thinking the same thought in 15 different ways and then voicing it aloud. If there was a "skip to dialogue" button this would be getting a lot higher rating.

During the course of the story you'll play from the perspective of each of the seven main characters, one after another, reliving some events from different points of view and then moving the story forward a day. You make 5-6 decisions per character that determine how the story plays out, and to its credit your decisions make a huge impact. I can't even imagine how much writing went into this, because testing out different decisions with different save files led me to extremely different stories (not just endings). The voice acting was pretty good, for the most part, although there was a lot of discrepancy between nationalities and accents (Ash was born and raised in the UK and Isabella was from the Philippines, yet both had American accents).

I liked some parts of it a lot, despite the mediocre YA horror prose and numerous grammatical errors. The characters were sort of endearing; Zach, Isabella and Hannah especially I commiserated with. Luke is cheating on his wife, impregnating random women, emotionally abusive, racist, and narcissistic to a degree I've barely ever seen. He is actually the last character you play as, so I was expecting to be disappointed when they tried to redeem him. Well, they didn't. Getting inside his mind reveals that he's an even bigger piece of trash than I had suspected.

Watching the relationship meters change depending on my decisions and seeing the ramifications of that quickly after is more than I can say for most choice-based games of this nature. The save system and "skip to unread text" button allow for players to easily experiment with different decisions without wasting too much time.

I guess my biggest complaints are that the story wasn't very well-written, I wasn't a huge fan of the art style, and I truly hated many of the characters I had to play as (such as Luke and Marianne). Yet, despite this, I was hooked. I found myself staying up till 3 AM on Friday and Saturday night with it.

It was like... comfort food. It didn't require me to think, nor did it require me to mechanically do anything. I think I really needed that this week. I'm not sure that I recommend it, of even if it's good, but I had a good time with these dumb kids and I only got one of them killed. I think today, I am content to take that small victory as I leave this strange story behind me.