12 reviews liked by mahmutkaan

i loved the part where "£$%&/()(/&%$£"!"£$%&/(/&

all you do is fucking read if i wanted to read a god damn book i would go on barnes and nobles not fucking steam

dan salvato doesnt play visual novels and neither do the kids who think this shits the best thing since sliced bread

the only reason it isn't a half star is because i jerked off to one of the characters like 5 years ago

"yeah i love vns"
"only vn game they've played is Doki Doki and Danganronpa"

literally the exact same gimmick as totono with considerably worse execution, a lazy "isnt anime bad!!!" irony layer slapped over it and some edgy bullshit included to draw in the youtube reaction video crowd. fuck this game

you all like this game? i thought it was just a joke

literally the most wretched shit imaginable. glossy prestige tier higurashi rip with no humanity and no ideas. just thinking about it makes my blood pressure go infinite

"tits or ass?" bro mental stability