Log Status






Time Played

30h 0m

Days in Journal

1 day

Last played

January 15, 2024

Platforms Played


Wow, this is about as good as it gets for visual novels, folks. 13 Sentinels is quite the special game. A plot as complex and with as many moving pieces as this should not work at all, and not only is it functional and sensical by the end, it is also completely enthralling and brain racking for the entire duration of the game. Not one moment passed while I was playing this game where I was bored of the story or thought that something happening was stupid. I completely bought into the narrative from the jump and was rewarded with the most twisty and turny and most exciting and mysterious visual novel adventure I've ever gotten to play.

The proper gameplay might be the only place where 13 Sentinels hits a bit of a speedbump, but I honestly loved the mech fights. I love strategy games, and this is no exception. The fights might be a bit on the easy side (save for a few that had me scrambling) but man are they a joy to get through. Each sentinel type has enough unique skills and variable abilities to make each character's playstyle somewhat distinct. I wish it was a bit more visually engaging, but there's not much that can be done there with an RTS emphasis. Mowing down bad guys with the missile rain skill gets this game extra points.

The soundtrack is filled with great atmospheric tunes and some serious bangers for the combat stages. Vanillaware's art is beautiful. The story is filled with so much soul and attention to detail that it would be disrespectful to not give it the recognition it deserves. Go play this game right now. 13 Sentinels is the definition of a hidden gem. This really feels like one of those games that I'll wish I could experience for the first time again.

Ei Sekigoathara and Nenji Ogoata on top