A very fun and visually appealing entry level RPG. The ability to recruit a large amount of characters, simple mechanics and the possibility to decide in what side of a conflict you want to be (in the story) makes this game memorable.

The first and only Splinter Cell game I ever played and was a very cool game. Love the stealth vibe and use of shadows, also, the ability to choose between "faction sides" was a nice idea in the story. Very good game, maybe someday I dive deeper in the franchise.

Never played the original, no nostalgia goggles here. The game is simple and basic fun with moderate challenge, somewhat short, but enjoyable.

Sad to see that a definitive piece of animated entertainment from the 20th century received such an uninspired game. The story is generic, and the gameplay and stages are uninteresting. It's disappointing.

The generic Platinum Games combat style feels great here. The action is fun, the characters feel different from one another and I love the use of cell-shading in this game. The scenario's are just ok but in some moments the game gets more creative than the usual experience. Not a revolutionary game but a good time indeed.

This game is pretty good. The visual of this game is very north American. Is like a homage to teenage horror cinema and feels like everything from the early 2000's. The gameplay is good, the story is enjoyable and the partner AI is not a problem. And if you like , you can play co-op with a friend. Nice game.

One of my favorite musous, but almost a bad game, 5/10 almost falling to 4 out of 10. Everything in this game feels dated. Looks like a mediocre PS2 game. Ken fighting style doesn't translate well with musous and works better with 1vs 1 enemies. The soundtrack is a generic heavy metal in the same chord progression and the game stops to narrate every special move. The dream mode is half enjoyable and every character plays better than the main one. Everything here is sub par.

Very innovative and addictive. Good idea to play the songs with the joystick and the music selection is very good. The cover bands did a good job in recreating iconic rock songs from rock culture. Play it and enjoy, this is a good game to come back from time to time.

One of the coolest Tetris games around. The graphics and visuals are aesthetically pleasing, and the soundtrack is beautiful. It's a very casual and enjoyable game.

If handled with care during development this game could have been good. It's a simple beat'em up with limited combos, repetitive enemies and too long scenario's. Mediocre product.

This is a solid game. Good ideas, good execution. The combat is a little stiff, and the camera problematic, but nothing that destroys the experience. A good action RPG.

This neo noir point and click game is a good choice to start if you are unfamiliar with the genre. The story is solid and frankly quite good, the characters are full of charm and the case to be solved is quite appealling. It's a underrated game , that remember us that not every game needs to be an exaggerated drama that try to force us to cry at the end, but a good story that can give us something to reflect upon.

PS: The intro song is legendary...

Exactly what you expect. Simple and Challenging game based upon older computer games.

This is were the franchise defined itself not only as a 3D fighter but as a force to be reckon with. Great visuals from the cg opening to the menus, very bold character design and a masterpiece of soundtrack, this game is a must play.

Fun game. Very absurd, very messy and funny. The graphics of the game are a lesson in pixel art. Simple mindless fun to pass the time around.