Sad to see that a definitive piece of animated entertainment from the 20th century received such an uninspired game. The story is generic, and the gameplay and stages are uninteresting. It's disappointing.

Never played the original, no nostalgia goggles here. The game is simple and basic fun with moderate challenge, somewhat short, but enjoyable.

The first and only Splinter Cell game I ever played and was a very cool game. Love the stealth vibe and use of shadows, also, the ability to choose between "faction sides" was a nice idea in the story. Very good game, maybe someday I dive deeper in the franchise.

A very fun and visually appealing entry level RPG. The ability to recruit a large amount of characters, simple mechanics and the possibility to decide in what side of a conflict you want to be (in the story) makes this game memorable.

If I could play this game in every console, I would. This is only harvest moon i ever liked. The gameplay is fun and fast (I can't stand the slowness of the rest of the entries in the series) and the graphics are very pleasant. Love the experience.

Anime game... You know how it goes right? Another solid 5/10. The gameplay is ok, he moves right, jumps right and punches right, but the combos are too simple and useful gameplay mechanics are hidden behind character growth. The history is quite good actually, but the development is not. Casual and basic anime game here. Can be fun, but nothing special

Simple game, but rather difficult. The best part is to use the funny moveset of the character. Spin like a tornado on the cheap bosses is super fun.

Almost a bad game. The characters are generic, the gameplay is almost acceptable, but the customization of clothing is good. The "door to door" loading doesn't help the case. Almost fun but forgetable

This is one of the best shonen jump franchise-based games of all times. Many characters from many series, fun gameplay and tons of references from their original series. Fun time guaranteed.

This is one of the biggest craps i played in my life. North americans in a crusade againt morality (as usual) delivered one of the most idiotic and bad racing games of all time. Horrible graphics, horrible effects when you kill, soundtrack is dumb, presentation is generic. People got paid to produce this?

One of the best games of all time undoubtedly. Great graphics, characters and one of the most iconic soundtracks in game history. the game is a must play simple as that.

Peak Marvel gaming alongside Marvel Ultimate Alliance. Very nice adaptation of manhattan, cool characters and humor. Fun and cool game.

Fun game with a lot of style. the original characters were cool and the stages are very distinctive one from another. Nice game.


Average plataformer with nice graphics. If you were an english speaker back in the day maybe the humor would add something more to the experience. Basic fun.

Fun game and pretty basic. The best part that you can beat the other players until they fall of the bike. When i was little i loved the charicature of the players in the selection screen. When you win or lose there is an fmv celebrating or mocking you, pretty funny stuff