Fun to play with friends. Good alternative battle royale game in an increasingly overstaurated genre.

A beautifully tragic epic that made me rethink my life choices. Mysterious till the end, the story only really shows itself towards the end, through your own actions towards the colossi. The score throughout is stunningly epic as well, making you feel like a hero riding on to battle. Each colossus is a wickedly clever puzzle, not there just to challenge you, but also to give you enough time to ponder: "Is this really what I should be doing?"

Hugely enjoyable from start to finish. It builds on the first game we'll and certainly sends the story to different places. The world is incredibly beautiful and the combat endlessly enjoyable.
There are some gripes; the uninteresting side characters, overly bloated world map and pretty poor exploration mechanics. However none of these detract from an experience I will remember from my early days of owning a PS5.

As a long time fan of the Tony Hawk's games but having never played the original 1+2, buying this was a no brainer. It really is just the classic Tony Hawk style with beautiful modern graphics, and what could possibly be bad about that?

It's the game we've all wanted for 20+ years and it's glorious.
I understand if you're not into HP that it probably comes across as a pretty beige RPG experience, but it's so much more than that for us fans of the Wizarding World.
I normally don't bother exploring every nook and cranny of open world RPGs due to time and lack of enthusiasm in late game, but once the story is complete I fully expect to want to stay in this world for some time. After all, the world itself and the little extras are what keep you here, past the fairly mundane but we'll suited main story.

Came into this game not knowing how I was going to feel about playing a 16 year old game in 2021. I soon realised why this is many people's favourite of all time. Yes it's more action focused than previous installments, but I've never played a better paced and a more thrilling game. Ever.

An excellent first outing for Square Enix's emo storytelling game series. The threat is higher than any other Life is Strange title and the setting is the most fun to explore. The sickening ending and twists galore make this stand out among the rest as the best in the series by far.

Capturing what it is to play a genuinely fun and addictive game, Insomniac married near on perfect gameplay with a classic Spider-Man story. NY is Spider-Man's home and it's endlessly tall skyscrapers are the perfect setting to swing around till your hearts content. All that plus some actually fun side missions and challenges would have made this my nailed on game of the year in any other year Red Dead Redemption 2 wasn't released.

Loved some elements of this game, but bored by others. The gameplay is largely very enjoyable and satisfying. The epic battles with animal robots are truly memorable and the overall story is unique and genuinely gripping throughout. Graphically it looks incredible, and is voiced and acted pretty well too. However, I'm so bored by the large, empty open worlds with endless markers on the mini map type games, and unfortunately this is a perfect example of that.

Some of the most satisfying and hard hitting combat I've ever played in a game. I'm not a fan of the whole series having missed everything that came before, but this is a genuine classic. Perhaps not as high on the overall world as some, but I loved the simple yet consistently important story overarching the whole adventure.

A really enjoyable co-op experience. The two main characters have depth and are interesting throughout. The story plateaus for a while through the middle but accelerates to the heart-wrenching end. Fun if simple gameplay.

Irresistibly fun and endlessly challenging, this is the true flagship Nintendo kart racer game of a generation.

Decent gameplay (when working) and a pretty big roster, but everything else sucks asssss.

Fun during lockdown. Punishing when coming up against pro 14 year olds.

My favourite game of all time. Rockstar perfected everything from the original and the GTA games prior to create a gaming masterpiece. Doubt I'll ever tire revisiting this world.