274 Reviews liked by manwhospksinhnds

A weird mix of awesome and not-so awesome. You know what only has the former? OG!

Honestly kind of cool seeing a World War I game from this period. I suspect that the difficulty of shooting down a plane in 1917 might not be so far off from this game

This is like a kid's nightmare of Breakout. Even down to the game title

I played this for half an hour before realizing that I'm not really into Love Live anymore. I'm glad I played this for the brief period that it's up!

Only a year before this, the iOS App Store was opened. Doodle Jump grasps how motion can be awesome on a phone. The multiplayer is the best part

Pleasant characters and combat. It didn't give me enough to make me want to go back. It may be one for the You Tubes.

The peak of 3D Sonic, but not my favorite

The best of the 99 projects so far especially with that most recent update, a game worthy of the F-Zero title!

It's pretty good, but I don't really have much to say about it. Good core gameplay, characters (Elvis the GOAT), and story, with some pretty good missions early on. However, I think as the game went on, more and more bad missions started appearing, which really made this go from a higher score to a lower one for me. A lot of missions had obscure objectives (especially in regards to where these objectives are located), and I imagine this is only worse on higher difficulties. I only played on the pussyboy Agent difficulty because I thought that was the equivalent of normal, but nope, it's probably closest to an easy mode. I imagine that because of the higher amount of objectives in each mission on increased difficulties, my problem with obscure directions would only worsen, but I can't say for sure without actually playing through it again. I think the level design started out really strong then took a nosedive towards the end, and the last few levels in particular I was just kind of bored with and rushing through to get it over with. A shame, I really loved the earlier levels and it's unfortunate that same quality wasn't consistent. I also would've liked an option to change the graphics back to the N64 original, similar to the Master Chief Collection. As neat as the updated models and textures are, I would've preferred having a more classic experience, especially with the awkward rigging of high quality models to N64-era skeletons and animations. Overall a decent game with high replay value, and I think with time (and further playthroughs), my score might go higher.

I think the number betrays how I feel about it just a bit. Yumecore is far from amazing, and it wasn't super fun. But it is a game that I was very charmed by, and one I'd recommend to anyone who feels charmed by its play. It's barely 2 hours long so it is not a commitment by any stretch!

Loads of fun with a unique sense of style brimming with charm and personality down to its quirky 90s skater vibe and funky music and visuals. It does however feel really clunky trying to make perfect landings and the overall loop of roaming around and spray painting while evading police with the limited variety of stages and gameplay ideas does bring it down. Still a promising formula worth expanding on

This is what happens when you actually get enough people to play 4 corners

Undertale is a great time, cute, witty, charming, and a killer OST. Its hard to not love this little gem. That being said its not flawless. Outside of the battle UI the game is incredibly ugly. Character sprites are just bleh. The story is far from impressive and is very much held up by its likeable characters.

classic 3ds indie game, this shit got me to start playing indie games in the first place, so it's very important to me