274 Reviews liked by manwhospksinhnds

X-Men 97 gave me the drive to play this (I know this is based on Pryde of the X-Men but still =P)

It's a dated but fun little beat em up with great sprite work and innovative presentation with its cutscenes and voice acting for the time. I do hate that thing with old arcade games where your special moves take your health away kind of taking away some of the magic of playing as the X-Men and using their iconic powers.

A really solid remake of a fun yet very basic platformer. The minimal exploration in this game is fun but it does tend to sometimes feel pointless and time wasting. It's pretty faithful to the original besides some presentation changes like poor Ms Pacman being replaced by that fraud Pac-Mom and the delightfully cheesy voice acting being replaced by Banjo-Kazooie-esque grunting.

Phoenix Wright perfectly summarised this game when he said "I assure you it's quite based". Phoenix is by far the best character in this game , play it for him.

I like the aesthetics, the general controls feel really good and when it clicks it really clicks. Unfortunately the later levels in this game really annoyed me requiring a lot of trial and error and super precise jumps to be well positioned for obstacles that weren't even on screen. I wouldn't have minded if the levels were much shorter, my breaking point was one of the taking up almost two hours of my time. At that point I had enough as the later two levels I didn't do looked more of the same. It's a solid game but I really wanted to like it more

Every time I think about this game I love it more. The music and atmosphere are the absolute standouts for me. The dungeons are all excellent with something fun and special making them feel unique. Press Turn combat is the best take on turn based combat. Characters and writing has grown on me over time and multiple playthroughs. This game is hard to play with breaks between because you will forget enemy affinities and menu navigation can be tedious but these are minor complaints.

If we’re gonna be realistic this is a 4.5 and I might drop it down later. For now, I don’t care frankly.

You guys spent $70 on Bad Piggies

“Are you ready for your fighting game lessons?”

Street FIghter 6 gulps

Tekken 8 breathes heavily

Strive nods nervously

FighterZ rollback sighs

“Yes, Wig Wam - Do Ya Wanna Taste It” they say in unison

when i was 11 i broke my mac trying to download wine so i could play this

What a fun gameplay loop, it would have been a hit!

The best game collection that will ever exist.

So many versions of this in The Making of Karateka... more like THE MAKING OF DEATHBOUNCE.

I'm cool if these guys do 2D Sonic from now on. I'm not coming back to this

I only got to play this through a free weekend. I only knew about that free weekend through a friend who mentioned it off-hand.

It's one of the few platform fighters that I think is seriously more fun than some of the lower-positioned Super Smash Bros games. Wow! I will buy it sometime later. Will you?