one of humanity's greatest achievements. if it ever gets taken down i will fully unleash my wrath upon this planet by committing unspeakable acts of terror

"we blew it, we blew it!" —Cake (F&C s1e8, 2023)

mid. sweats ruined wings, lightning is easily punishable, chain is good but too op. the map is a massive improvement over last season's

on the outside it's just another shovelware app with fake online. take a closer look and you'll see this little br has potential to surpass's legacy with its simple yet addicting gameplay, short rounds, responsive controls, and a silly selection of playable characters (i main the little penguins and the alien in the ufo). i wish it had a competitive scene with real online and rollback netcode. it sounds stupid but would be hella popular

thank you for removing tmnt mythic items, this seasons's only interesting addition and saving grace! now i have ammunition to rate it even lower!

whoever decided that smgs with scopes was a good idea needs to be included in the next layoff spree. if you're gonna fire employees it might as well be the bad ones

never played but watching it as a kid became a core memory for me. im certain this is a game of all time

no one understands the pain of going back to one of your favorite games only to find out it's a braindead, button-mashing, sensory overloading, epilepsy inducing...i'll stop there i made my point

what if an nes game didnt have frustrating controls? balloon fight seeks to answer that question. BUT! do not be fooled by the high skill floor...for there is a high skill ceiling as well. yup. it's really that deep. i would never lie to you. now go play balloon fight

p.s. nintendo make a 99 version of this game, what could go wrong?

why the hell are nes fighting games so good. this is the studio ghibli food of nes games fr

after some deep contemplation ive determined the funniest way to review this game is to provide complete thoughts, genuine analysis, and maybe some humor along the way. they say video game sequels either get overlooked or drastically overshadow the original, well this is a case where the former came to fruition. elves in paradise is lesser known than the many remakes and iterations of elf bowling that utilize actual bowling mechanics, for this game's premise is not bowling but instead a shuffleboarding contest between kringle and his brother or something. say, how come shuffleboarding isn't a word? is a dash in between really necessary? at any rate, the gameplay should be quite familiar to any seasoned elf bowling enjoyers. time your clicks right in accordance with the unstable cruise ship's angle and launch away. the swaying vessel adds a new layer of strategy, a daring twist on the formula we've come to know and love. it can be assumed that kringle did not spurge on the best ship money can buy, nor did he lay out a concise plan for its route seeing as wildlife can be spotted in the near distance. one can only hope the captain steers clear of the icebergs inhabited by unknowing penguins. speaking of impending danger, i must warn you if you mess up something really bad happens. its so sad i won't even say it but lets just say there's gore of my comfort character. overall elf bowling 2 is an ingenious installment proving nstorm were a master of their craft. my phone is heating up so ill have to cut this review short but don't forget to

the immense guilt i felt after abandoning this...i put the cartridge in the very bottom slot of my carrying case. but yeah good game

also dont ask me to name my pets because i DON'T remember ☹️

what happened to the nstorm i love