100th game marked as played, i'm glad it was this one :)

quite possibly the best title screen theme of any game ever, also not-so-fun fact: i remember beating it on the way to a funeral


hoooly shit i forgot about this one

if this game was food i would gobble it up in one bite and then tears would run down my face because of how scrumptious it was. thanks

first review somehow

this is what super mario graphics will be in 2013

ba-ding! ba-ding! ba-ding! ba-ding! ba-ding! ba-ding! ba-ding! ba-ding!

one of the goats of mobile gaming

PROS: tmnt mythics, reliable snipers, recruiting npcs is funny, mod bench is fine i guess

CONS: dull ahh map, snipers without scopes (what the fuck), enemy npcs make pois worse, no sprinting (still not over it)

would've been 1 star if they hadn't nerfed medallions...you win this round epic.

if i speak i will get assassinated but just know it aint in the top 3 marios

it grew on me after i figured out how you're supposed to play it. this is history folks