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maradona completed Cat Leather Jackets
Cara, o François seria um puta personagem de Pica-Pau.

10 days ago

maradona completed The Pedestrian
Don't know why, but seeing it for the first time on the Xbox Game Pass reminded me of that shitty Madagascar rip-off "The Wild" and despite not featuring any animals whatsoever I still feel like it takes place in the same cinematic universe.

11 days ago

maradona followed fror

11 days ago

maradona finished Psychopomp
It's that one game in which you thought about making in middle school one day while randomly scribbling the last few pages of your red math notebook because you got bored in class.

Nothing to scoff at by actually making it into a thing, but you now find yourself regretting not paying attention that one rainy day class in which you forgot to bring lunch, as you approach your mid 20's forgetting how logarithms work.

12 days ago

12 days ago

maradona finished Pulseman
I think that if I played this as a child, sitting really close to the CRT while dealing with such an ungodly amount of flashing lights, it would have turned me colorblind.

13 days ago

maradona completed Pulseman
I think that if I played this as a child, sitting really close to the CRT while dealing with such an ungodly amount of flashing lights, it would have turned me colorblind.

13 days ago

maradona backloggd Going Down

14 days ago

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