Bomberman had every credential to be playable and Sakurai kicked him to the curb. like what more did Sakurai want out of Bomberman?

Unique gimmick, 30+ Nintendo exclusives and a virtual boy game, first ever third party crossover with a Nintendo franchise, his developers created Mario Party, he had 3 separate 52 episode shows, starred in a fighting game with Snake, Simon, and OPTIMUS PRIME, has existed since 1983 putting him with Pac Man and Mario in All Star if playable, and had a timed Switch exclusive in 2017 and was how Konami got on good terms with Nintendo again to have Snake, and also Smash celebrates Japanese gaming history and Hudson had a big mark on it with Bomberman as their mascot.

And the fact Bomberman represents multiplayer party games and even beat Sonic, Megaman, and Crash Bandicoot in Sakurai’s if there was a smash 2 poll, in R he even has 7 other Bombermen which could be his different outfits, and even was in Club Nintendo columns and comics alongside Nintendo characters, but nope, apparently that isn’t enough for Sakurai.

Bomberman could cure cancer and he still would not be in Smash.

Reviewed on Jul 23, 2022


1 year ago


1 year ago


1 year ago

objectively the best review on the site

1 year ago

hi-ten bomberman was also the first HD video game and super bomberman 1's multitap inclusion helped popularize 4-player games lol

1 year ago

I checked back on this review and it's beyond fucked up that it isn't at 500 likes.

1 year ago

no no, we definitely needed Cloud AND Sephiroth instead
I've never seen such truer facts and logic in my entire life. Maybe one day in the future justice will be done for the poor little guy, but who knows...

1 year ago

Tragic because it is true. He really should have been in since Brawl if you ask me.