89 reviews liked by mark1982



I wanted to complete a game from my backlog and knew that this was suppose to be a good game. It was a gorgeous game with a touching story. I played it twice to explore and gather missing collectables. Highly recommend this game.

This was a cool historical fantasy game similar to A League of Extraordinary Gentlemen, with Tesla, Edison, Debussy, Money, etc. A platformer with a blind girl and a cat that guides her to her family.

I missed the fluidity of this game. With great parkour, dense environments and simple mission layout. It was so good to play this again.

The amount of detail put into the world from the maps on tables to the combat system draw you in and show what it is to be an Assassin.

Now I prefer the combat from the RPG games more, but the simple counter/dodge system of AC1 is rewarding when you execute a kill.

I remember how surprising the story was and how it is such a amazing starting point for the potential of this game and story. Going from a demoted Assassin to a master is a challenge fighting enemies of all kinds as you get deeper into "What is true?"

When the end comes and you learn the truth. Much like Desmond was exposed, we as players were as well. Looking back to what Ubisoft and Assassins Creed made from this game is mind blowing. How much is still not discovered? What is next for the series? "Everything is permitted."

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Assassins Creed II is one of the main staple games for me I'm the AC universe. This game is one of the strongest entries and most fulfilling games Ubisoft has ever produced. Playing this on the Xbox Series X with the new FPS Boost for the Ezio Collection version was a blast.

What was also nice was how quickly I was able to play through the game. With Sequence 12 & 13 automatically starting in the game after S11 was a lot nicer than the Animus glitch that was caused by them being unreleased DLC at the time.

The final sequence is one of the best as it gave that first twist ending about the Isu. I was sad that my fight with The Spaniard was not more eventful as I beat him quickly.

This has always been my favorite Assassin's Creed title because of the time period, character stories, and gameplay. It was a change of pace from the previous titles in the series and one that I would play over and over again.

Playing on Medium difficulty, this was a surprisingly challenging game. The graphics remind me of PS1 but the mechanics were smooth and enjoyable. Learning more about Altaïr's relationship with Adha will bettered my playthrough of AC1.

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Assassin's Creed Bloodlines was such a great game! The story of Altaïr and Maria turning from enemies to allies was great for the character building of the first Assassin we ever met in the AC universe.

Game controls were smooth as hell, better than AC1 at times. The graphics were lacking at first but weirdly improved as I played.

The ending with Altaïr using the Apple to calm Cyprus as he searched for the Templar Archive was a twist I didn't expect.

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Assassin's Creed Brotherhood surpassed my experience with AC II. The isolated Roma map and detailed metagame made this one of my favorite titles so far.

I found the story to be very contained but developed the supporting cast so much more than the first. Playing as Ezio is great but the growth of Claudia to Assassin, Machiavelli's potential betrayal, Shawn and Rebecca's banter and past, and the fall of Cesare, a better villain.

Gameplay wise, the addition of the Assassin Recruits made the social stealth and fighting options much easier.

The diversity of the Synchronization requirements were easy but never boring.

Lastly the war machines while challenging were so unique and expanded on Da Vinci's life.

The modern day gave enough story to keep me interested in the characters. The expansion on the Isu and prepping for the next step in the trilogy helped close what was already a great game.

The game is solid, good controls but is really harsh when it comes to full Synchronization. I tried to 100 every level but ended up abandoning it at 62% to complete the story and move on.

The story was nice, following Ezio to Spain to assist Christopher Columbus as he searched for "The Spaniard" while completing a mix of standard, chase, and stealth missions.

With complete VA, detailed graphics, and smooth mechanics. This was a difficult but worth game to play.

Assassin's Creed Chronicles: China was a nice change of pace from the mainline AC games. The art style was vibrant with the painted style design. I enjoyed how the game taught you how to play and have reminders as I forgot from time to time how to do certain skills.

Seeing Shao Jun's story in full post Assassins Creed Embers and reading the Codex pages that detailed her time prior to meeting Ezio was also very helpful. Weird that the VA changed but she was nice to listen to.