237 reviews liked by mastrsimone

Italian people when you tell them there will be Blue Shells and Mega Mushrooms at the function:

This review was written before the game released

Ugh. Ok I can concede this is my favorite Paper Mario game. It was Super for the longest time because I think that game is peak fiction but I can deny no longer this is the best overall GAME in the series. I literally had to 100% the remake because I just couldn’t get enough of this amazing world and its characters but also actually FUN battle system. The remake makes so many little changes to improve the experience as well. Even in a game so dependent on backtracking ESPECIALLY for 100% I still can’t help but be sucked in for every moment. Literally while I was spending time just running around collecting badges and items I was watching a YouTuber by the name of Bringle do Paper Mario challenge runs in this game. It’s just so perfect. One of the best Paper Mario games. One of the best GameCube (and now Switch) games. One of the best RPGs. One of the best VIDEO GAMES.

And Vivian is in this game and she’s the cutest so yah 100/10 game.

I keep crashing into walls it's such a bitch to drive in this game

I wish you nothing but pain Francesco Bernoulli

insert Smiling Friends reference here

Edit: Thanks for the gold, kind stranger!



This is it guys, we've peaked here, time to pack it all up, there's absolutely no topping this, we've reached the pinnacle of human existence with two rectangles and a square.



Gaming only went downhill after this.



Rating pong is like rating air. We wouldn't be here without either.



This game would have been a masterpiece if it included a passionate, romantic sex scene between the two rectangles to really drive home its central theme but alas it did not

You know a game is gonna be CRAZY good when the villain looks both gay and homophobic.