This game is doing things I love. Meta narrative. Interesting "mechanics" that make the VN worth it. Absolutely incredible characters.

But the solutions to its puzzles are sometimes so bizarre. This could have been a perfect game, but it's still a great game.


I wanted Norco to be more than it was, I think. I was looking for something in conversation with Kentucky Route Zero and Disco Elysium, and what I got was good, but it wasn’t that.

The narrative is interesting. The tone is funny and also serious in the way that real life is. The game is stunning to behold. But it is ultimately a tone piece with plot attached.

From the game’s creator: “The narrative in many ways was almost a stream of consciousness.”

It felt that. I get what they were trying to do. Represent Norco and its people in an honest way. It’s “games as vibe” and I love that shit. But I don’t think it came together for me.

I would give it a 3 if it weren’t for several visual and auditory moments that blew me away. It’s really just beautiful in so many ways.

Listen. I love all elements of this game individually. Digimon? ABSOLUTELY. Visual novels? Hell yeah. Tactics RPGs? Yup.

This game, and I truly hate to be this negative, blows. The visual novel portions are so tedious and poorly written. The smallest of story spoilers, but on the second morning of the game, the main character literally wakes up and asks each other character how they're doing. I'm sorry, but I don't care! And the mechanics of how the VN works feels like a chore.

I could forgive a lot of this if there was any vibe at all, but it's just nonexistent.

I've not been so disappointed in a game in a long time.

1.5 stars for tactics combat that is enjoyable.