Demo Review Space

Reviews of demos I've played so as not to crowd up the review with something half assed. Also because a lot of these haven't released yet and Backloggd wont show any reviews until they do.

The tutorial was less intrusive than I expected. For some reason I thought each "world" would focus on a different transformation, but having multiple in one world makes more sense and is probably better. Obviously this is aimed at younger players and is engaging enough I suppose. My intelligence didn't feel insulted while I was playing. I still don't think I'm going to purchase this, but I want to show to my younger cousins next time I see them, just to see what the target audience thinks.
I'm very surprised the demo let me play for 7 hours. I was decently skeptical at first, but color me intrigued now. Already prepurchased it at game stop
I respect how much effort went into, from what I can tell, a lesser beloved Mario title, and from reviews this seems like the best version of the game. That said, still probably not worth my 50$.
Really fun levels, and I think for only 15$ a steal, especially if the levels have some kinda challenge mode.
I played the Remake when it first came out and it didn't impress me and his left somewhat similar feelings, although I heard the full game is much better than the Remake.
Fills the rhythm heaven shaped hole in my heart.


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