A while back I bought a Bundle of some games for the Epic launcher, this was one of the many games that came along with it. With most of its influence coming directly off of games like Burnout and being developed by some of the original developers who worked on it too, it feels much of the same in that regards. Not much expanded upon, controls a bit stiff at times especially with drifting feeling weird.

The amount of cars in selection for each separate ranking from Sedans or SUVs to Formula1 cars is laughably barebones. Only leaving one for each at the start and slowly turning it to four leaving little on the customization or any to spot differences on.

The music in this non-existent, that is unless you have Spotify Premium. Cause of course shoehorn a button like that, it gets super annoying whenever starting this game if you want to have music after starting it up everytime is to go to the settings, go and press spotify and go through the process of authorizing it every time, over and over again. It is incredibly annoying!

The physics in this is incredibly awful! If you even dare give the lightest tap to a car ahead of you, you'll just crashout. Hope you're not gonna start flying mid-air cause once you're soaring you might as well have your hands up, cause I've tried to at least make some maneuver and it just won't budge at all. The way these cars interact with the walls are just weird where you could be speeding by at 150mph or higher it'll just bring it down immediately to a 0.

The tracks are some of the more lame and basic things I've seen being only 4 lane roads, 2 lane, or a corridor and slapping a new environment and calling it a day from there, no variety to it of any kind. If I was told it was a tech-demo or an AI made these tracks. I would've believed you.

It annoys me so much with how clearly unoptimpized it is when my game crashes on multiple occasions as I start getting ready to race.

This game also has a Multiplayer mode but literally no one is on it, and frankly I'm not that evil enough to torture a friend to get them on board with me on this.

I genuinely hope that the so fabled Dangerous Driving 2 after going so radio-silenced actually improves a lot more on where this game completely flat on its face. Rather than playing this game, I'd just tell you just get Burnout 3 or the remastered whether it be on an Emulator, Steam, or Gamepass. It is not even worth having for its 30USD asking price.

Reviewed on Jun 21, 2022
