pretty fun second to last area + some enemies were awful
also wesker opium

when it gets good its good but when its bad its BAD

umm rlly not the best thing but it shows the true horror and sad reality of how unhinged 'stalkers' can be but the sound design is rlly cool


pretty cool honestly scared me at bits too when it looks like animal crosing

despite knowing every jumpscare how to solve every levl it still horrifies me

starts off kinda weak imo but ends off pretty cool the cult reminbds me of silent hill's " The Order" but still a very good psychological horror

almost 10 years it stll isnt done hang it up

replaying soon lord i hated it first playthrough just hjope i was just ass and it wasnt the game

not only do they completely BUTCHER mgs2 and especially the final cutscene but the story is absolutely abysmal controls r so bad i needed to look up a yt video only good thing are 3 bosses and the ost

amazing for what it does in 15 mins