This game is the classic kind of cool. Me and my dad used to play the hell out of it. In one mission you unlock this stupid little one man helicopter thing that is absolutely ridiculous!

I only played the demo for this on the Crimson Skies disc because my cousin made me (he thought it looked cool) and he got so scared that he had to sleep in my bed!

I don't remember if my dad and I finished this one but it's dope and the soundtrack is cool. Suck, suck, suck!

Played this with my neighbor but he had to babysit his neighbors (mind you we were around 8-10 and they were like 4-6) and they would scream when they lost. Cool enough game though!

This game gets extra points because it was conceptually super weird at the time and everyone I knew was like, "woah what the heck!"


Fable: The Lost Chapters is the first rated M game I ever played (6y.o.) and I felt so guilty that I went home and told my mom! She did not care. You can do a middle finger

Dual wielding machine guns as an 8 year old expanded my mind like the first mammal experiencing fire!

I remember playing this. My mom thinks perhaps we rented it from the Redbox and played it at my grandma's house! It must not have been very good as we did not rent it twice.

This game was never as bad as they all claimed! Also, the collector's edition came with a CD, which was very cool!

This is a baseball game.

It ain't no Backyard Baseball...

Played this with my neighbor, he had the cool gun attachments too so it felt like a real arcade experience! Good times.

This is the only SSX game I ever owned and by all accounts it is the worst one!

Never got to finish this one! It was fun at first, but I remember it becoming incredibly repetitive very quickly.

Got really interested in this game when KH: Birth by Sleep came out because it had a whole minigame thing that was literally this! Me and my neighbor finally got it years later and it was a bunch of fun. Like if monopoly was good!

The precursor to Jack Box! I'm a big trivia fan of trivia games, so, yeah! Good times.