For some reason this was one of the only online multiplayer FPS games I had as a kid. Usually just played CoD at a friend's house!

Played this on my cousins PSP on a road trip and thought it was really cool. I guess I was some kinda emo!

LocoRoco was really pretty and the songs were fun, but I found the game kinda boring as a kid. I'm more boring now so I might try it again sometime!


Loved flOw! Probably the weakest game from thatgamecompany's catalogue, but that is not an insult at all!

The only one of the series I played on PSP! Probably not as good as it's console equivalent but I still played the hell out of it

Probably one of the weirdest and jankiest fighting game series, but really liked this one and have always thought about playing the other entries!

The only R&C title I played before Rift Apart! It was fun but I remember having trouble with the PSP analog stick

Didn't really like the main characters design in this gen. Also didn't like that they started using the 3D models in the 2D games. Some cool Pokémon though! I picked Piplup.

Never finished this, sadly. Really liked being able to change your characters outfit, but wished the choices looked better. Didn't like the chili art. Not sure why I never finished it, may have been the chibi!

Played this game, liked it, lost the cartridge before I finished it. Devastating!

This game was really cool conceptually and was a game I was really anticipating before it came out, but it was only ok. Would like to see the series come back though! It was kinda interesting.