2 Reviews liked by memphisheat

1. Great combat system
2. Parts of the story were very engrossing (the beginning and end)
3. Some great characters

1. Hit and miss story - some sections were great, others felt lacking
2. Too much repetition - after about 15 hrs I realized that half the dialogue between the main characters on days in between dungeons was just them constantly saying some variation of "will the change of heart work? i have doubts.... did we do it? idk we'll just wait and see" over and over. this went on for almost 80 hrs...
3. Bad Pacing - Breeze through a dungeon in 1-2 in game days, and then you're forced to sit through hours and hours of dialogue with random side characters who have basically 0 impact on the main plot.

Idk overall i feel like this could have been great but it's just way too bloated with hella pacing issues. If the average playtime was cut down by like 40 hrs and some of the countless hours of dialogue with side characters was cut it would have been far more enjoyable imo.

haha runny man shoots the robot

oh shit there's an ikea

oh shit there's a time vortex

oh shit oh fuck this is good

oh shit

i'm bad at it tho