Arma 3 2013

Log Status






Time Played


Days in Journal

20 days

Last played

June 9, 2024

First played

December 13, 2022

Platforms Played

Library Ownership


Playing here and there

360h 0m


First Time

June 2024



Viktor and I tried out a new random mission generator called Second Sight or something. It's... weird. But we had fun once we figured it out.

1h 0m



I organized an Arma session today and Robi and Viktor showed up. We tried out a new dynamic mission called Warmachine. I actually enjoyed it a lot, but the real winner of today's session was the Sniper Errand. Robi left to play Monster Hunter, so it was just Viktor an I. It's so well done! Definitely one of my favorite dynamic missions we have ever tried. In fact, my second favorite, right after DRO.

2h 0m

April 2024



We played a bit of RIS together. It didn't go very well. It's a buggy mess, unfortunately.

2h 30m



I played some RIF alone to see what it is.

1h 0m



Huge day! Monumental even! After, who knows how long, we played a bit. And not just me, Robi and Viktor, but even Bea. It went really well!
First, we visited Takistan for some DRO. Bea wanted to play Clear Area, so that's what we did. We tried to insert via helicopter, but that was a failure. Bea survived the crash, and we quickly rushed back to her position with a bare Hunter. We stood our ground against the locals and slowly made our way to the AO. We all ran into ammunition shortage, but we figured it out. 🗲The Hunter had some ammo that was good for Bea🗲, and for Viktor, I called in a Supply Drop. And by that, I mean literally, the built-in Support feature of DRO. They dropped an actual Arsenal for us. Even after hundreds of hours, we learn something new. Anyway, that's when Robi joined us. Late Joining in DRO is wonky, but it was alright. He spawned where we inserted from. For some reason, he can't see certain vehicles, like the desert camo version of the Hunter. I wonder if it's a mod problem. We left the Hunter behind because of this, but we found a weird Repair truck and a Mad Max Hilux. We cleared the second AO quickly, and we all agreed that we should play another round.
Round two was in Zagrabad. It was a lot messier mission. Robi was supporting us from the sky with a Blackfoot, and we were scrambling with a sketchy Prowler insertion. Despite the shit show, we were doing well. Viktor was sniping and me and Bea worked our way into the belly of the beast. Early on we neutralized a vehicle armed with an SPG-9 and that what we tried to use for our escape. That's when shit went wrong. We were barraged by explosive shots, both Mortars and a rocket. A rocket that not only killed Bea and Viktor, but straight up crashed them. Meta-gaming fucking AI... Robi picked me up with the Blackfoot, and before we Extracted, Bea and Viktor could join back in to redeem the situation with their own escape.

2h 30m

February 2024



I've been experimenting with some performance optimization.

0h 30m

September 2023



Back to ArmA after who knows how many months. It was sweet. Pretty sweet actually. We did two DRO ops on Tanoa. Both were really good and I think I successfully enhanced the experience with some sneaky Zeus-ing.

1h 30m

March 2023



I tried out Extraction, then did the Infantry Showcase.

1h 0m

February 2023



I played through Takistani Nights with Dani. We began Moonnight Saionara too but failed.

1h 0m

January 2023



We played some Ground Breach with Viktor, Robi and Bea. It was a lot of fun.

1h 30m



I played a solo Combat Patrol on Livonia and it was fucking amazing. No fancy shit, just an AK-12 in a dark rainy night with 4 mags. I also ported DRO to Farabad and played a bit.

1h 0m



We played a DRO on Zagrabad with Dani, Geri, Bea, and Viktor. We blew up a bridge, crashed a heli, stole a Flatbed, and blew up a fuel truck.

1h 30m



We did a 6 player mission called Disarmament. We had some troubles with the none of the AT launchers working. However it magically fixed itself and overall it was a fun mission.

2h 0m



We played a DRO mission on Takistan with Dani, Viktor, Bea, and shortly into the mission Robi joined us. Dani brought a .50 BMG. I called an A-10 bombing run. We wrecked our heli, then took control of an enemy heli but it blew up. I made Robi into a living, walking Arsenal.

1h 30m



We played a DRO with Robi, Bea and Viktor on Malden. Then without Robi on Zargabad. It was pretty cool. Later we fucked around with Viktor with a riot shield. It was fun.

When I was alone I tried out Warmachine on Zargabad. I won. It was fun.

2h 0m



We reintroduced Dani to the game and it went well. We launched a two task DRO on Chernarrus. Dani brought a G36 and a Javelin. Bea was our helicopter pilot and we immediately headed off to the fortification mission. That went well, we got back to the heli to go to the mortar emplacement location. While we were in the air we started receiving fire and they picked me off. My rescue mission was ultimate successful albeit the begining of the temporary problems. Getting back to the heli was difficult. We stopped for a bit while Bea was AFK. I've Zeused in an APC so Dani can try out the Javelin. We got to the next task finally and destroyed the mortar with Dani's satchel. We had to destroy a n UAZ as well. Dani killed in with the Javelin. As that final task was out of the AO, that blown up UAZ got us to the scoreboard. Dani was the tio fragger with 30 kills. It was fun.

1h 30m

December 2022



We played a DRO on Malden with Bea and Viktor. It was fun but we got fucked in the end. Absolutely pinned down with no more ammo and FAKs.

1h 0m



We played some Stratis DRO with Viktor and Robi. It was a clusterfuck but fun. We tried out the Lock on fix in the fixed DRO. It works. I Zeused a bit.

1h 0m



Played some fixed DRO with Bea, Viktor and Robi on Altis.

1h 0m



Played a Sniper op in the fixed DRO on the Western Sahara map. Killed two HVT-s. Then I started the Cultural Heritage or whatever scenario but got a scripting error.

1h 0m