Log Status






Time Played

9h 30m

Days in Journal

8 days

Last played

June 16, 2023

First played

May 15, 2023

Platforms Played

Library Ownership


First Time since Win 95


First Time

June 2023



Viktor wanted to play a 'chill game of Red Alert'. His words. Well, we set up a 2v6 on a new map and we were absolutely destroyed. We restarted 3 times and just couldn't survive. So, we gave up and played some Forts.

0h 30m



Viktor and I played a 2v4. It was fun. We've noticed that the AI tends to get stuck which is good for us technically but not very fun and challenging. We looked into some mods only to see that we can't be online with mods. It sucks... Anyway, I tore the AI's ass with my missile subs. It sucks that I can't set them to auto-fire though. We advanced from landbridge to landbridge by barricading the choke points with tanks. When we could finally create naval units on their home sea, it became too easy.

1h 0m



Viktor was here IRL to do his tech wizardry and when he got home, we played a round of Red Alert. The map was VERY weird. The granades were OP, the harvesters were fast, the units were created near instantly... It was weird and difficult. But still fun.

1h 0m



Viktor wanted to play something in the evening and that's where we defaulted to and it was absolutely epic in the word's most genuine meaning in the confines of this game. it was a 2v4 on a custom map where we were in the south, surrounded by a river that left a small gap for the enemy to attack us through. The beginnings were rocky as always and it was mostly because of me... as always. I've lost my Construction Yard but bounced back. I basically created the greatest Tesla coil military-industrial complex the cold war has ever seen. Tesla Coil defense line. Tesla Tanks to support the Mammoths. When it was inevitable to attack as we had a solid defense line (on my side, exclusively through Tesla Coils), Viktor came up with the idea of moving the MCV closer to concentrate the attack through the production being at the enemy's doorstep. That was a great plan. I spiced it up with the Tesla Coil Tower snake. Basically, I started a Tesla Snake™ reaching toward the enemy's territory to support my attacking units and to suffocate him. It worked well, but towards the end, we didn't really need it. You see, we have amassed a gigantic army because the resources on this map were essentially infinite and the game took 90 minutes. So, it was more of a seal clubbing and the Tesla Snake™ was just a reminder to the AI that it was pointless to fight back. We did get a bit lucky though as 1 out of the 4 enemies got their Harvesters stuck. That made things a bit easier although I also suffered this bug at one point so let's say we were even.

1h 30m



We played through a huge skirmish with Viktor today. It was truly epic. It was a 2v2v2v2 against medium bots. The first go was incredibly short as the AI rushed me and stole my Construction Yard and soft locking me out of the game. The second go started of rough too, but then we realized how absolutely devastating the Cruiser ships are. War crimes were committed on land and sea. The enemy had tesla coils which gave us trouble but we ended up victorious.

1h 0m

May 2023



We played a skirmish with Viktor. It was definitely tougher and longer than last time.

1h 30m



We played a few skirmish matches with Viktor. Both C&C and RA.

2h 0m



I've bought the game for myself and Viktor. As of writing this log entry, Viktor has not accepted the gift due to him having a normal sleep schedule. Hopefully, he accepts it and will be happy about it. I feel like he's not that into old games or even nostalgia in general like I am but hopefully, he will like it and we will play some online games together.
I finished the first two missions as GDI and finished a 1v1 skirmish against an AI. I actually like it a lot more than I expected so far. The gameplay is extremely streamlined and pretty minimalist. I like that I don't have to click on buildings to generate units and don't have to worry about citizens to build and do whatever. The games seem to be short and to the point. The game is visually appealing as far as retro games go. I'm not a huge fan of the AI upscaled videos, however. I wish I had the option to just have the old garbage ones.

1h 0m