Log Status






Time Played

3h 0m

Days in Journal

2 days

Last played

November 10, 2023

First played

November 9, 2023

Platforms Played

Library Ownership


Right after KOD

First Time

November 2023



I've navigated my way through the Mansion. I've met with the Witch in Red who helped me but asked me not to kill any of her sisters. Even though I have killed a single witch before, I did not kill anymore after meeting her. Anyway, I've reached Delilah inside a painting like it's Super Mario 64. The fight was alright. She didn't give her easy, I'll give her that but she tasted my sword regardless. Literally. I stabbed her in the mouth all the way through the back of her skull. I've saved Emily from Delilah's possession. I pleaded for my life when I found my throat next to Corvo's blade. I've skipped town and that was it. I'm gonna miss Daud.

1h 0m




I'm heading to Delilah who is holed up at Brigmore Manor. Getting there is tricky, but I've just busted out of jail the next best person for the job. Lizzy is a loose cannon but she has a boat. Well, she had. She was revolted by her second in command, Edward Something. While in jail, I have saved from execution the guard who helped Corvo break out of his cell. I've also investigated the aftermath of the interrogation of a witch. Anyway, I need to get back Lizzy's ship now.

Fuck me, this was a tedious mission. I thought it would never end. Still, it was mostly fun. I've left off when I arrived at the Brigmore Manor. I'm not sure I'm gonna enjoy it, the dogs are fucking annoying.

2h 0m
