You will be simping over the itsy bitsy protagonist at the beginning, and then, towards the end, you will find yourself tinkering over how to get out of the purple cocoon that has a portal to the green cocoon while carrying the green cocoon, which, by the way, happens to have green and orange cocoons inside of it, AND THAT ORANGE COCOON ALSO HAS GREEN COCOON INSIDE OF IT.

All in all, it's a brilliantly crafted indie game made by a handful of people who thanks to more people in their credits than the total number of people who worked on the game.
It lasts about 4 hours, but you can be sure that those hours will fly by. The graphics are simple but well-designed. Audio is very nice. Gameplay has a beautifully designed learning curve that suits my intelligence and gameplay style.
All very well but also, this game is not for everyone who HATES puzzles in games. If you are not one of them, give this game a chance, and if you don't experience brain freezes like I did, then you don't have to play this game on three different days and just finish it in a session.

Reviewed on Jan 02, 2024
