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1 day

Last played

April 18, 2024

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It's good to finally put this one to rest. I've owned it since its Wii release in 2010, always started it, but never finished a playthrough. Now that I've finished it, I can safely say I like it a little more than 9. I've never agreed with Inti Creates stripping Mega Man of his charge shot and slide, but this one isn't bad at all. Whereas 9 sometimes feels like a gauntlet built on the groundwork of its inspiration, 10 feels a little more balanced around their interpretation of the Blue Bomber. Great sprite work, interesting level design, and some fun boss fights make this a solid entry point into the Mega Man games (though 11 is a better one). Not quite as fun as the late NES releases, but still worth your time, if you're a fan of the series.