8 reviews liked by meursault

super fun pve i killed so many socialist toasters for democracy

Well crafted multiplayer experience which started off hilarious with friends, and ended up being quite strategic at harder difficulties. I would love to see the developers push what the game does best even harder. For example, a lot of stratagems are incredibly fun to use, but some others feel a little redundant? Maybe a bit more variety in types of stratagems would add to the experience. Can't wait to see future updates.

When I tried to play this my game corrupted after I started trial 1 and i considered that a sign from God

Deserves a shoutout for the ending harboring all my hatred since 2018.

I have so many funny quips i could write here about this game, but let me just say this: SOL BADGUY.

Smelling the game; eating the glue.