Log Status






Time Played

35h 0m

Days in Journal

2 days

Last played

August 30, 2023

First played

December 1, 2022

Platforms Played

Library Ownership


This review contains spoilers

An enjoyable common route deceives you into liking every LI until you enter the guy's route and it becomes a trash fire with last minute character revelations that changes up the dynamics of the relationship, not to mention some really asinine drama.

Special mention to the amazing art, its clean and with pleasant colors.

I enjoyed Yukito and Harumi's routes. The others can go burn in a trashfire. Asagi in particular was offendingly either boring or wtf am I reading. The main mystery is solved by way of 7 minute of an info dump on one route and promptly conveniently forgotten in the others (as it gets in the way of the romance) until maybe a 1 line acknowledgment later.

Great common route, Yukito and Harumi are best boys, even though Harumi's route also suffers the 'dumb drama' syndrome.