6 reviews liked by mirrorballyoongi

I feel there's not enough evidence to lead into clear solutions, but there's some great voice acting and funny(and true) duck facts during the loading scenes.

+ Great VA and snappy writing
+ Great illustration style
+ 'Golden Idol-style' deduction gameplay is adopted well.

- Disappointingly short. (I know it's a small team and priced pretty fairly but I was really expecting at least a few cases.)
- Clue presentation/structure isn't clear. Who you should question with what clue didn't always make sense and leads you to just spam every item on every character.

There's room to expand and improve. Hoping to see more from the developers in an expanded sequel, perhaps.

This is a very short game focused on solving one case. The writing and voice acting are funny and charming. It's a bit weak as a detective puzzle game though. The game doesn't do a good job at communicating what it wants from you. The game will create sentences that need the blanks to be filled in to solve the mystery. Collecting clues will give access to words to fill in the blanks. The mysteries the game will give you to solve will have a vague title. This became an issue as I would struggle to figure out what mystery the game wanted me to solve. There was also a moment in the game where it gave me a clue with the initials "OO". I first read it as two zeroes which led me to wasting time thinking for sure I had the right answer but wondering why it wasn't working. The game in general needs to do a better job of communicating what it wants the player to do. The story ends up being dramatically unsatisfying. I didn't seen the culprits coming but in a bad way. I was just baffled about why one of them was involved at all. The game doesn't dig too much into any of these characters to feel a way about them committing crimes either. Overall, as a detective game, it's fine. I've played way better than this. Since this was one short case, I wonder if the developers plan on making this a franchise of small releases. Eugene McQuacklin is a fun character, and there's plenty of room for improvement in a sequel.

It’s a meh mystery with a cute aesthetic.

Adorable “Paper Mario” styled characters
Full voice cast, all character lines voiced
Notebook “mad lib” style putting clues together to minimize brute forcing solutions
Hilarious duck facts on the loading screen
Choosing who goes to jail for the crimes

The investigating/gathering clues got repetitive fast. It’s just scrolling over the page until your magnifying glass lights up
At the end, there were a bunch of deductions to solve in a row that felt more like the game telling rather than showing me the plot.
I just didn’t like the mystery solution. I don’t think it made a whole lot of sense, even when explained in detail by the duck himself

Overall, it’s a short point and click cute mystery game. I think I’d prefer Tangle Tower or Frog Detective over this game, but if you like those you may like this one too.

i continue to suck at puzzle games. not sure if i'm just completely inept but i had to brute-force so much of this game that i felt like a lot of the plot was just told to me without my involvement.

the game is super cute and i found myself way more taken with it's look and writing than i expected to be, but a more robust hints system (outside of the "pondering the clues" bits which i didnt think gave enough direction to the player) would have helped me feel more involved in the detecting

Good presentation and overall pretty fun to solve, though the final conclusion is a little unsatisfying. Would love a sequel that improves the detective-gameplay just a bit.