Log Status






Time Played

5h 24m

Days in Journal

1 day

Last played

January 25, 2024

Platforms Played


(Beaten with Danielle, will go back with Joseph later but not right now)

A neat effect of going through the Turok games is seeing where Acclaim thought the state of the FPS genre was going. They clearly made a safe bet on Half-Life being the way of the future, this game shifts hard towards linear storytelling and level design. The level design isn't nearly as frustrating as either game could be, but also the worlds don't feel anywhere near as distinct as they used to. Shockingly brief.

As always, Nightdive delivered with the remaster. Might be one of their more impressive remasters simply by how much work they had to do reverse engineering it. Shadow of Oblivion is probably the most impressive use of the N64's technology, even if it barely runs, so it's nice to see that hard work shine.